Nový obrovský patch je na spadnutí a samozřejmě s sebou přináší velké změny. Jak už jsme si mohli v minulosti zvyknout, vždy je prvním neoficiálním zdrojem informací takzvané "dataminování" patche, kdy Blizzard dovolí všem nakouknout do obsahu nového patche ještě před tím, než doopravdy vyjde. Některé z těchto informací nejsou potvrzené a tak berte jejich informativní hodnotu s rezervou. Pojďme se ale již pustit do obsahu patche:
Animace zlatých TGT karet
Kompletní galerii zlatých karet naleznetu na webu Hearthpwn.
Představení nové hrací plochy
S novou expanzí přichází samozřejmě i nová hrací plocha. Zde je její představení:
Nové zvuky
Do hry s novou expanzí přichází i celá řada nových zvuků, dokonce hned celých 21 minut:
Možná reference na Co-Op mód
Některé útržky nasvědčují tomu, že bychom se mohli dočkat tolik očekávaného módu pro dva hráče:
- VO_HRW_TEST_00 - I will cleanse you both of the Curse of Flesh!
- VO_HRW_TEST_01 - Well done! You've defeated the boss together.nnBoth players win!
- VO_HRW_TEST_02 - Defeat Gearmaster Mechazod together to win!
- VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_00 - Damaging a hero.
- VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_01 - Destroying highest attack minion.
- VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_02 - Throwing 3 bombs.
- VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_03 - Damaging all other characters.
- VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_04 - Gaining 2 attack.
- VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_05 - Dealing damage to both heroes.
- VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_06 - Silencing Lorewalker Cho. Permanently.
- VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_98 - Target board full. Clearing target board.
Nové questy
- Everybody! Get in here! Win 5 Tavern Brawls. - Rewards: 60 Gold
- Druid Victory - Win 3 games with Druid. - Rewards: 50 Gold
- Hunter Victory - Win 3 games with Hunter. - Rewards: 50 Gold
- Mage Victory - Win 3 games with Mage. - Rewards: 50 Gold
- Paladin Victory - Win 3 games with Paladin. - Rewards: 50 Gold
- Priest Victory - Win 3 games with Priest. - Rewards: 50 Gold
- Rogue Victory - Win 3 games with Rogue. - Rewards: 50 Gold
- Shaman Victory - Win 3 games with Shaman. - Rewards: 50 Gold
- Warlock Victory - Win 3 games with Warlock. - Rewards: 50 Gold
- Warrior Victory - Win 3 games with Warrior. - Rewards: 50 Gold
Odměny za konec sezóny
Rozdělení cen za ranked mód může vypadat následovně:
- GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER1 -"Sea Giant's Treasure" (Legend through Rank 5)
- GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER2 -"Ogre Magi's Stash" (Rank 6 through 10)
- GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER3 -"Guardian's Chest" (Rank 11 through 15)
- GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER4 -"Shieldbearer's Footlocker" (Rank 15 through 20)
Nové Tavern Brawl karty
Playable Cards
- Choose a New Card! - Look at 3 random cards. Choose one and put it into your hand.
- Choose a New Card! - Look at 3 random cards. Choose one and shuffle it into your deck.
- Tarnished Coin - Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
- OLDPvP Rogue - Stealth Regain Stealth when PvP Rogue kills a minion.
- OLDN3wb Tank - 1 Mana 2/2 - Taunt
- OLDN3wb Mage - 1 Mana 2/1 - At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to random enemy minion.
- OLDN3wb Healer - 1 Mana 1/1 - At the end of your turn, heal 2 damage from adjacent minions.
- OLDLegit Healer - 3 Mana 2/2 - At the end of your turn, summon a random friendly minion that died this turn.
- Boss HP Swapper
- Choose One of Three
- Create 15 Secrets
- Deckbuilding Enchant
- Endless Enchantment
- OLDTBST Push Common Card - Push a common card into player's hand
- TBUD Summon Early Minion - Each turn, if you have less health then a your opponent, summon a free minion.
Nové flavor texty karet
- Flame Lance - It's on the rack next to ice lance, acid lance, and English muffin lance.
- Effigy - Burning man, brah.
- Fallen Hero - And he can't get up.
- Arcane Blast - Now with 100% more blast!
- Polymorph: Boar - It's always Huffer.
- Dalaran Aspirant - Is he aspiring or inspiring? Make up your mind!
- Spellslinger - Does he sling spells, or do his spells linger about. Who can say?
- Coldarra Drake - The Grand Tournament has a "No dragons allowed" policy, but it's rarely enforced.
- Rhonin - A masterless shamurai.
- Ram Wrangler - Not getting trampled is really the trick here.
- Holy Champion - She really likes seeing people get better. That's why she hurts them in the first place.
- Spawn of Shadows - What did you expect to happen? He's a Spawn. Of Shadows.
- Power Word: Glory - The promise of glory is a powerful tool to get minions to do your bidding. Only slightly less powerful than the promise of an ice cream bar!
- Shadowfiend - Hopes to be promoted to "Shadowfriend" someday.
- Convert - "Are you interested in... HEALTH benefits?!"
- Confuse - This minion is really powerful!
- Twilight Guardian - A result of magical experiments carried out by the Black Dragonflight, it's not his fault that he's a vicious killer.
- Confessor Paletress - She sees into your past and makes you face your fears. Most common fear: Getting Majordomo out of Sneed's Old Shredder.
- Dreadsteed - Crescendo himself summoned this steed, riding it to victory in the Grand Tournament. Wherever he rides, an army of riders ride behind him, supporting the legendary champion.
- Fearsome Doomguard - They were originally called Cuddleguards, but they were not inspiring the proper amount of fear.
- Tiny Knight of Evil - "No, no, no. I asked for a tiny JESTER of evil."
- Fist of Jaraxxus - * Not actually Jaraxxus' fist.
- Void Crusher - We like to call him "Wesley".
- Demonfuse - Very dangerous when attached to a demonbomb.
- Dark Bargain - A prime example of lose-lose negotiating.
- Wrathguard - After playing against 5 Annoy-O-Trons, any normal guard will become a Wrathguard.
- Wilfred Fizzlebang - He can summon anything, even a FEARSOME DOOMGUARD*. *He's pretty sure this is going to work out.
- Shado-Pan Rider - He needed a break after that business in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Naturally, he chose to spend his vacation in an icy snowscape killing monsters.
- Buccaneer - The best part of buccaneering is the pants.
- Undercity Valiant - Almost went to play for Stormwind before signing with Undercity.
- Cutpurse - He has a giant collection of purses now. One for every outfit!
- Shady Dealer - I have great deal for you... for 4 damage to your face!
- Burgle - Yoink!
- Poisoned Blade - How much more poisoned can a blade get? The answer is a lot. A lot more poisoned.
- Beneath the Grounds - Can you hold these eggs for just a second? I promise they're not full of giant enraged undead spider things.
- Anub'arak - Was actually a pretty nice guy before, you know, the whole Lich King thing.
- Living Roots - 2 out of 2 saplings recommend that you summon the saplings.
- Darnassus Aspirant - She loves mana crystals, she hates mana crystals. So fickle!
- Savage Combatant - Maybe if you whistle a tune it will soothe him. Yeah... Try that.
- Wildwalker - She was born to be something. She is just not quite sure what yet...
- Knight of the Wild - He gets a discount on the tournament entry fee because he is his own horse.
- Druid of the Saber - That's saberTEETH, not like curved pirate blades. That's a different kind of druid. Druid of the Curved Pirate Blades.
- Astral Communion - Hey! Moon! Can I have some mana crystals?
- Mulch - Is this a noun or a verb? We will never know.
- Aviana - Call her "Tweety". She'll find it real funny. I PROMISE.
- Tuskarr Totemic - Turns out the tuskarr aren't real choosy about their totems.
- Draenei Totemcarver - It's nice to find a real craftsman in this day and age of mass-produced totems.
- Healing Wave - Favored by shaman who study the art of restoration and healing, this spell would feel smug, if it had feelings.
- Thunder Bluff Valiant - Allowing totems to attack is not cheating. I mean, there isn't anything in the rule books about it.
- Charged Hammer - You can only pick it up if you are worthy.
- Elemental Destruction - I'm not a shaman or anything, but isn't Elemental Destruction the opposite of what they want to do?
- Totem Golem - What happens when you glue a buncha totems together.
- Ancestral Knowledge - MOMMMMMYYYYYYYYY!!!
- The Mistcaller - Calling the mist doesn't sound all that great. "Ooooh, it is slightly damp now!"
- Flash Heal - Flash! Ahhhhhhh~
- Powershot - pow POW pow
- Stablemaster - Takes way better care of her pets than her brother, Unstablemaster.
- King's Elekk - Elekk jousting is AWESOME.
- Brave Archer - This is a "bearly" concealed reference.
- Bear Trap - You'll never guess what's in that conveniently bear-sized, bear-smelling box.
- Lock and Load - Rexxar narrowed his eyes, grabbed his machine gun, and said: "It's go time. Lock and load." This card pays homage to that special moment.
- Ball of Spiders - "THEY'RE EVERYWHERE GET THEM OFF!!!" - Everyone
- Acidmaw - With the help of his trusty sidekick Dreadscale, the giant jormungar Acidmaw is ready to face any knight!
- Dreadscale - Let's be clear about this: ACIDMAW is the sidekick.
- Bash - You might think bashing doesn't take a lot of practice. It doesn't.
- King's Defender - "King's Attacker" is a shield. Funny, huh?
- Orgrimmar Aspirant - "Four out of three orcs struggle with math." - Angry Zurge
- Magnataur Alpha - Playing him also gets you into the Magnataur Beta.
- Bolster - The best offense is a good defense.
- Sparring Partner - Come at me, bro.
- Skycap'n Kragg - What's more boss than riding a parrot with a jawbone for a shoulderpad while wielding a giant hook-lance-thing and wearing a pirate hat? NOTHING.
- Alexstrasza's Champion - "Put more spikes on her. No, more spikes. What part of 'more spikes' do you not understand? MORE SPIKES!" - Alexstrasza
- Varian Wrynn - Leader of the Alliance! Father of Anduin! Also he likes to play Arena, and he averages 12 wins.
- Competitive Spirit - Competition can be an inspiration to improve oneself. Or kill all the competitors.
- Seal of Champions - "Arf! Arf! Arf!" - Seal of Champions
- Warhorse Trainer - He doesn't even get Sundays off. Every day he's hostling.
- Murloc Knight - Hee hee! Look at his cute little feet.
- Argent Lance - The stripes make it look like a candy cane, but we recommend against licking it.
- Enter the Coliseum - You have to get past the vendors first. So many are lost to shopping...
- Mysterious Challenger - He may sound surly and antisocial, but he's actually just really shy.
- Garrison Commander - He'll never admit it, but he pushes you hard because he really cares about you.
- Eadric the Pure - Nobody rocks a monocle like Eadric.
- Lowly Squire - But not the lowliest!
- Dragonhawk Rider - Check it out. You can do barrel rolls on this thing.
- Lance Carrier - Lance Carrier is an obscure entry level position in orcish armies. A mystery, since orcs don't generally use lances.
- Maiden of the Lake - Not a good basis for a system of government.
- Saboteur - Listen all y'all it's a saboteur!
- Argent Horserider - His horse's name is Betsy.
- Mogor's Champion - This champion has learned from the best. Except for his target selection.
- Boneguard Lieutenant - Underneath all that impressive armor, he's just skin and bones. Okay, maybe just bones.
- Mukla's Champion - An elegant gorilla, for a more civilized age.
- Tournament Medic - The medic tournament is less entertaining than the Grand Tournament.
- Ice Rager - He's a lot cooler than Magma Rager.
- Frigid Snobold - Ironically, the natural enemy of the snobold is THE CANDLE.
- Flame Juggler - At first he liked juggling chain saws, but then he thought, "Flames are better! Because FIRE!"
- Silent Knight - He used to be a librarian. Old habits die hard.
- Clockwork Knight - It takes a lot to wind him up.
- Tournament Attendee - He was so excited to get season tickets to this year's Grand Tournament. He normally doesn't get them at first and has to buy them from Ogre scalpers.
- Sideshow Spelleater - Hey! Let me try that...
- Kodorider - Someone called her a Rhinorider, and she's NOT HAPPY.
- Silver Hand Regent - The Silver Hand is the best paladin organization. The Argent Crusaders are super jealous.
- Pit Fighter - What did the pits ever do to you?
- Captured Jormungar - You can keep him, but you have to promise to feed him and clean out his tank every day!
- North Sea Kraken - You have no idea how tired this guy is of being released.
- Tuskarr Jouster - Just could not be talked out of using his turtle for the joust...
- Injured Kvaldir - Don't worry. With a little skin cream he's going to clear right up.
- Light's Champion - When there's something strange (say, a gibbering demon) in your neighborhood, who are you going to call?
- Armored Warhorse - Yep. It's a horse... wearing armor... going to war.
- Argent Watchman - Who argent watches the Argent Watchman?
- Coliseum Manager - Meets monthly with the gladiators to discuss career goals.
- Refreshment Vendor - Menu: Funnel cakes, carrots, popcorn, jormungar steaks. It's hard serving a diverse clientele.
- Master Jouster - Needs just a few more ratings points to become Grandmaster Jouster.
- Recruiter - Join the Argent Crusade! We have attractive tabards and you get to carry really nice swords!
- Evil Heckler - To be honest, heckling is not the most effective form of evil.
- Fencing Coach - Good fencers make good neighbors, right?
- Wyrmrest Agent - Keeping tabs on the Grand Tournament is priority #1 for the five mighty Dragonflights!
- Master of Ceremonies - Goes by "MC ElfyElf".
- Grand Crusader - A veteran of a number of crusades, she is a force for light and goodness. Her latest crusade is against goblin telemarketers.
- Kvaldir Raider - Coming soon... to a tuskarr village near you!
- Frost Giant - Don't ask him about the beard. JUST DON'T.
- Crowd Favorite - The crowd ALWAYS yells lethal.
- Gormok the Impaler - Gormok has been giving impaling lessons in a small tent near the tournament grounds. For only 25g you too could learn the fine art of impaling!
- Chillmaw - Chillmaw keeps trying to ruin the Grand Tournament, and she would've done it too, if it weren't for those dang kids!
- Bolf Ramshield - Bolf keeps coming in 2nd at the Grand Tournament. It might be his year this year, if Lebron doesn't enter.
- Icehowl - This massive yeti just closes his eyes and charges at the nearest target. The nearest Target is a couple blocks away and has sick deals on skateboards.
- Nexus-Champion Saraad - The ethereals have their own jousting tournament, and Saraad is the reigning champion. Also he won the ethereal hot dog eating contest.
- The Skeleton Knight - Apparently it really was just a flesh wound.
- Fjola Lightbane - LOVES being called "the wonder twins".
- Sea Reaver - A little better than Sea Minus Reaver.
- Eydis Darkbane - HATES being called "the wonder twins".
- Justicar Trueheart - It's like putting racing stripes and a giant spoiler on your hero power.
- Gadgetzan Jouster - It's not HER fault you didn't put a spinning saw blade on your horse.
Srpnový rub
Zdroj: Hearthpwn
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